Publicado: 17/05/2010
Inicio: 21/06/2010
Fin: 24/06/2010

Taller y Simposio 2010 sobre Derecho Internacional y Recursos Hídricos de Agua Dulce

University of Dundee, Scotland, UK

International law related to transboundary freshwater serves three basic functions:
- it defines and identifies the legal entitlements and rights and obligations tied to water use;
- it provides a framework for ensuring the continuous integrity of the regime; and
- it allows for rational modifications of the existing regime, in order to be able to adapt to the constantly changing needs and circumstances.

The purpose of the symposium will be to explore these three functions of international law within the context of existing and potential challenges faced by transboundary basins (rivers, lakes and aquifers) throughout the world.

Organizers: IHP-HELP Centre for Water Law, Policy and Science; Regional Centre on Urban Water Management (RCUWM-Tehran)


Contacto: Daniel Gilbert
Temas del Agua:
Tópicos: Evento Mayor
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